Best Low-Carb, Gluten-Free Almond Flour Pizza Recipe


So many people messaged me asking for the recipe to those yummy low carb, gluten-free pizzas I posted on my @travelistaliz instagram page last week, I put together a quick post to make it easy for you to access the recipe for one of your upcoming go-to meals.

It’s not hard, but there’s a bit of prep involved in making the crusts.

Pro tip 1: I always make a double batch and split the dough into 4 sections for 4 individual pizzas. I might only use one cooked crust the first meal and store the rest in a Ziploc bag in my refrigerator to save on prep time (and mess!) the next time I have a pizza craving.

Ingredients (for 4 individual 8 inch round pizzas)

Crust: 4 large eggs
4 tablespoons sour cream
4 tablespoons butter, melted
2 cups almond flour
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
2 cups shredded mozzerella cheese

Mozarella Cheese, shredded Parmesan Cheese, shredded
Tomato Sauce (sugar-free) - I like Rao’s, but any brand without added sugar is fine
Cooked Veggies - Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms, etc.

Alternative: Use your imagination - whatever you enjoy on a pizza will work. An alternative I like: pesto sauce, cooked chicken breast, sun-dried tomatoes, and artichoke hearts.


Parchment Paper Circles for 8 Inch Cake Pans

Parchment Paper Circles for 8 Inch Cake Pans

Buy parchment paper circles that are designed for lining cake pans. I bought my Parchment Circles on Amazon.

Parchment paper is essential, period. Wax paper won’t do. Neither will butcher paper, aluminum foil, or placing the crusts directly on a cooke sheet. You can use parchment paper from a roll or precut sheets, but I like the 8” parchment circles because they give me a guide to make the pizza crusts the same size and shape.

Preheat oven to 400F. You will need two baking sheets to bake the crusts.

In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, sour cream, and butter. Set aside.

In a separate medium size bowl, whisk together almond flour, garlic powder, and salt. Add dry mixture to wet ingredients in the large bowl and stir to combine. The mixture will be wet. Stir in the cheese.

The least sticky, least messy, way to do this is to separate one quarter of the dough mixture onto each parchment circle and roll out the dough using a parchment layer between the dough and the rolling pin. Roll to form a round crust the size of the parchment circle.

Peel off the top parchment sheet and place the dough circle with parchment bottom on a baking sheet. Normally 2 crusts fit easily on one cookie sheet.

To channel your inner child, forego the rolling pin altogether and use your clean hands to press the dough mixture into the round parchment circles. You can also press or roll the dough into any shape and size on any size sheet of parchment paper.

Bake crusts for 12-14 minutes or until desired level of golden brown crispiness. If I’m using two cookie sheets, normally I’ll switch the oven shelf each sheet is on half way through to even up the crispiness. This shelf-switching might not be necessary depending on your oven.

Remove cooked crusts from oven.

Homemade Pizza Prep with the Kids in Santa Fe

Homemade Pizza Prep with the Kids in Santa Fe

Pro tip 2: Flip the crust over and back onto its parchment circle. This will create a crisper bottom for the pizza and give the toppings a flatter base to rest upon.

Load pizzas with your favorite sauce and toppings.

Bake pizzas for another 5-8 minutes or until the cheese is melted to your desired doneness. Enjoy!

Check out the couple of photos below of the final results of our January Santa-Fe pizza-making extravaganza.

Please share in the comments below any of your favorite pizza tips, I’d love to try them. Pizza is my favorite food of all time!

My Favorite - Pepperoni and Mushroom with Red Sauce

My Favorite - Pepperoni and Mushroom with Red Sauce

My Favorite Alternative with Chicken, Artichoke Hearts and Sun-dried Tomatoes

My Favorite Alternative with Chicken, Artichoke Hearts and Sun-dried Tomatoes

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